Product Information

Want to have super strong teeth….then this the kit for you….

1. GC Tooth Mousse                                                                                                                                                                   

Containing milk protein called Recaldent (CPP-ACP)Remineralising sugar free dental topical crème containing bio-available calcium and phosphate that helps strengthen and rejuvenate the teeth. Both of the products bind calcium and phosphate to the tooth surfaces, plaque and surrounding soft tissues.

     Click here, to see video on “How to Use GC Tooth Mousse”

2. TePe EasyPick

  • Overlapping conical sizes to fit narrow as well as wide spaces
  • Unique design and silicone coating ensure efficient and comfortable cleaning
  • Easy cleaning between teeth while wearing braces

Click here, to see video on “How to Use TePe EasyPick”


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